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Book Publications

Fundamentals of Software Defects and Quality Prediction

Title of the Book :

Fundamentals of Software Defects and Quality Prediction

Author Name:

Dr.P.U.Anitha, Narender Chinthamu, Dr.C.Chandru Vignesh, Dr.Farrukh Arslan, Ms.B.Yamini Supriya, Mr.Raja.S

Category :

Computer Science & ISBN: 978-81-19762-49-1

Price :

500 ₹

ISBN Link :


Description :

Software testing is a crucial phase in the software development life cycle (SDLC) that involves the evaluation of a software application to ensure that it meets specified requirements and functions correctly. Quality assurance, on the other hand, is a broader process that encompasses all activities designed to ensure that the development and testing processes are efficient and effective in delivering a high-quality product.

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